יום ראשון, 27 בפברואר 2011

Chat Transcript: Wharton Admissions (BusinessWeek)

BusinessWeek - The University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School (Wharton Full-Time MBA Profile), which ranked No.3 in 2010 on Bloomberg Businessweek's ranking of the top U.S.full-time MBA programs, received more than 6,000 applications last year.The school's popularity reflects its history, constant evolution, and encouragement of students to pursue their goals, said Ankur Kumar (screen name: AnkurKumar), deputy director of MBA admissions at Wharton, during a recent live chat event. ...

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/buscommentary/*http://news.yahoo.com/s/bw/20110215/bs_bw/feb2011bs20110210961437

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